
享有盛誉的广告计划, Marketing Major Gets Hands-on Industry Experience

塔尼亚·阿科斯塔, named one of the American Advertising Federation’s Most Promising Multicultural Students of 2024, 在纽约花了五天时间向行业领袖学习

At the American Advertising Federation’s Most Promising Multicultural Students program held in New York City, senior Tania Acosta met with professionals from top advertising and marketing agencies, 包括TikTok.

纽约—— Seeing their face on a billboard in Times Square is something most people won’t experience in their lifetime. 但对于塔尼亚·阿科斯塔来说, this was just one of the many highlights from her experience at a prestigious advertising program held in New York City in February.

“这是一个超现实的时刻, just standing there as it rotated through everybody's headshots for 30 minutes. 我们只是坐在那里一起看,”阿科斯塔说. “太神奇了。.”

Acosta, a Marketing major and Creative Writing minor from Pawtucket, R.I.他是来自美国各地的50名学生之一.S. 被选为 American Advertising Federation’s Most Promising Multicultural Students program. 她是 网赌的十大网站第二名学生 在过去的两年里被选为这个杰出的项目, 哪个致力于促进多样性, 股本, 以及包容和将大学生与行业领袖联系起来. 


在纽约的时候, Acosta网络化, 参加速度指导, and attended a recruiters expo (similar to a job fair) where students interacted with recruiters and other professionals from top advertising and marketing agencies, 包括TikTok, Omnicom, IPG, LinkedIn, 和日本电通. For five days she took part in workshops where she made TikToks for a brand, 创建口号, 发起一场营销活动, 和更多的. Acosta said she used these opportunities to ask for advice from professionals in the industry. 

“Important advice I got while in the program is something that I feel we’ve all heard before: ‘Don’t be too much in your head.’ Hearing it from somebody who’s actively in that field felt different. 听到这些真的很有见地,”她说. “There were just so many great pieces of advice that I want to keep with me.” 

作为RWU西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生协会的主席, Acosta said she believes her leadership role helped secure her spot in this year’s program. 每年, students from historically underrepresented backgrounds who are part of 140 American Advertising Federation (AAF) college chapters apply. 今年的评委包括来自Vox Media的专业人士, 亚马逊的广告, Kinesso, 奥美, 提前, 交易台, 孟菲斯大学, 和惠而浦.  

为他们在纽约的一周做准备, students were paired with alumni from the Most Promising Multicultural Students program, 目前已经是第27个年头了. Acosta said she and her peers heard from people with different perspectives who offered advice on how to make the most of the experience.

Being able to engage with professionals with different roles in the industry boosted Acosta’s confidence in her future career plans, 她说. After graduating in May, she is looking to dive into the field in a strategic advertising role. 

来自美国各地的50名学生.S. 被选为 American Advertising Federation's Most Promising Multicultural Students program during their trip to New York City.

尽管阿科斯塔在节目中学到了很多东西, 她说 she was able to draw on her experience from advertising and marketing classes at RWU to excel in workshops, 集体活动, 与专业人士沟通. “Using all that knowledge and applying it to the program was really insightful,” 她说. “Having all that background knowledge from my classes here at RWU helped me understand how different advertising roles function and to be prepared to listen and engage with those individuals.”

The Most Promising Multicultural Students program is not only a great opportunity for students to learn and network but also a valuable resource for companies in recruiting diverse, 入门级的人才. This experience lets students and prospective employers connect over their shared interests. “Getting to be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about the field and about diversity was a really meaningful experience for me,阿科斯塔说.
